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5.5 -7 Hourra A1.1 Session 1
Theme: " Bonjour"
Objectives: Naming characters, greeting and saying goodbye, count from 0 to 20, ask and tell and remember first name and age, identify an object by color and shape, say what he's doing.
Pace: 12h
6-8 Cap Sur 1 Session 1
Theme : Cousteau Family
Objectives : say and ask how you are, what your name is, your age, present your family … (Vocabulary and grammar : family members, colors, verbs s’appeler and avoir, numbers 1 to 10.)
Pace: 12h
6-8 Cap Sur 1 Session 4
Theme: A new home
Objectives : ask and tell where is something/someone, express your feelings, ask and tell explanations, tell where you live (Vocabulary and grammar : rooms of the house, furniture, feelings, prepositions of place…)Pace: 12h
6-8 Cap Sur 2 Session 2
Theme: At the market
Objectives: ask and describe an itinerary, talk about the places in the city, buy something (Vocabulary and grammar : places in the city, shops, food, numbers until 10000, quantities, partitive article, verb coûter…)Pace: 12h
9-12 A la Une 1 Session 2
Theme: Discover Marrakech and its gastronomy.
Objectives: Talk about food and tastes, talk about meals and flavors, talk about shopping lists and placing orders.
9-12 A la Une 2 - Session 1
Theme: “On our planet”
Objectives : talk about the future, say what you have to do, ask and talk about materials, talk about goals to reach… (Vocabulary and grammar: common objects, nature, fabrics and materials, recycling, the future tense, the preposition pour, the verb devoir + infinitive verb…)
9-12 Tip Top 2 Session 1
Theme: “during the school year”
Objectives: ask and say the date and time, talk about what you do during the day, describe the school environment, talk about your daily life… (Vocabulary and grammar: structures to ask and say the time and the date, the present tense of some reflexive verbs, months and seasons, numbers to 60…)
12-15 A la Une 1 Session 1 -online
Theme: discover Paris and Nantes French-speaking culture.
Objectives: knowing French sounds, Introduce yourself, Know course tools and use them record in class, Know the places in the city, Introduce yourself and introduce que;qu'un, talk about birthdays and holidays, talk about tastes and pets6-8 Cap Sur 3 Session 4
Theme: One day in Brussels
Objectives : Tell a story in the past, describe someone’s biography, talk about food and frequency (Vocabulary and grammar : food, biography, past tense with être, frequency expressions…)Pace: 12h
9-12 A la Une 1 Session 2
Theme: Discover Marrakech and its gastronomy.
Objectives: Talk about food and tastes, talk about meals and flavors, talk about shopping lists and placing orders.
9-12 A la Une 2 - Session 1
Theme: “On our planet”
Objectives : talk about the future, say what you have to do, ask and talk about materials, talk about goals to reach… (Vocabulary and grammar: common objects, nature, fabrics and materials, recycling, the future tense, the preposition pour, the verb devoir + infinitive verb…)
9-12 A la Une 3 Session 3
Theme: Discover Poitier in France
Objectives: Talk about housing in the future, talk about education and cities of the future, imagine life in the future.12-15 A la Une 1 Session 1 -online
Theme: discover Paris and Nantes French-speaking culture.
Objectives: knowing French sounds, Introduce yourself, Know course tools and use them record in class, Know the places in the city, Introduce yourself and introduce que;qu'un, talk about birthdays and holidays, talk about tastes and pets